Category Spirituality

Redefining the Spiritual “Now”: The Pragmatic Spirituality of Basic Needs

Teen years are awkward for many people. If they’re lucky though, they later find themselves in their twenties and solidify a healthy sense of self that more or less carries them through life. My inauguration into adulthood was instead marked by a growing social void and increasing feelings of unworthiness. More and more, I found […]

Waking Up Each Morning… Into the Dream of Identity

Every morning, we wake up into our personal stories. Certain memories wake up with us, coming to the forefront of our minds, and we find ourselves thinking about things that have become central to our lives in one way or another. Maybe those things make us feel good, or maybe they make us feel anxious, angry, or […]

One Joy, One Sorrow, One Heart: Awakening to the Collective Heart

Our deeply rooted belief in separation from others leads us to live in a state of almost constant inner isolation. We identify strongly with the details of our personal story, which exist mostly only in our minds, and are rooted in a “me” that is inherently separate from everybody else. But in truth our hearts […]

Before I Love Another (a poem)

~Before I Love Another~ Before I love another I wish to love myself To cast off the last chains of self-doubt That once so constricted my heart There was a time I learned the wrong things My mind became a lonely place My thoughts became like venomous snakes I learned That to survive I must […]

From Judgment to Love: Transforming Your Relationship with Yourself

What comes to mind when you hear the word “relationship”? Most of us probably think of the personal relationships we have with various people in our lives—friends, family, coworkers—but we may overlook the fact that we also have a relationship with ourselves; with our thoughts, our beliefs, our sense of self. Throughout our lives, we […]

Healing Inner Division

Through various teachings and personal insight gained through inquiry and meditation, I’ve come to see with increasing clarity the source and nature of my own suffering. I see how certain experiences and beliefs from the past survive in my mind, governing my thinking patterns and the way I relate to others and myself. I’ve also come to […]

Consciousness, Pure and Simple

The past lives in our minds. It dictates our experience of the present from a very powerful position, operating as the very self we identify as “I”. This I is like an impostor from within our own consciousness, claiming our life experiences for its own and distorting them based on its conditioning. We see the world through […]

Heart of Light (a poem)

~Heart of Light~ There was a mirror that contained the heavens The seed of creation pulsed within A primordial ocean moaned Churning great waves that rose and rose Crashing against the void The horizon finally shattered Into infinite celestial patterns The first glimmer of dark and glorious worlds The scattered heart of light Destined to illuminate […]

The Conversation (a poem)

~The Conversation~ God whispers eternal silence The unspoken word pervades all things Be still and it reveals itself The invisible I The one behind the many The mother of all creation The universe is born Again and again Every moment springs From the womb of emptiness The timeless cradles time The permanent beholds the transient […]

We Are *Literally* All One

The Truth is found in silence. We, as individuals and as a civilization, have mistaken noise for truth. Most fatally, we’ve mistaken mental chatter, which is nothing less than mental pollution, for the truth about ourselves. We’ve integrated all that muck and formed our egos out of it. A civilization of individuals who bow to […]