~The Conversation~ God whispers eternal silence The unspoken word pervades all things Be still and it reveals itself The invisible I The one behind the many The mother of all creation The universe is born Again and again Every moment springs From the womb of emptiness The timeless cradles time The permanent beholds the transient […]

The Truth is found in silence. We, as individuals and as a civilization, have mistaken noise for truth. Most fatally, we’ve mistaken mental chatter, which is nothing less than mental pollution, for the truth about ourselves. We’ve integrated all that muck and formed our egos out of it. A civilization of individuals who bow to […]

What if we fully realized that, really, practically everything we know (being the content of our thoughts) is actually false? Imagine the innocence and awe in being able to see the world, and yourself, from the clear and exciting perspective that you actually don’t know what any of this is, and you don’t even know what you are. […]

~The War of Concepts~ Knowledge is ignorance Belief is fragmentation The root of all conflict Lies inside Competing notions of self Lower versus higher The self you think you are Versus the self you’d rather be The self you wear The war of concepts Spills into the streets The world is a mirror Right versus […]

Such a powerful meditation last night- it activated something that I’m still feeling today. I was meditating on the “I am” sense, and then inquired into what is aware of the “I am”, the sense of self. This type of inquiry points in a certain direction, and if we can go there and remain there […]

It recently occurred to me that the people I resent actually only exist in my mind (bear with me for a moment). They may have wronged me in one way or another, or perhaps they have ties to a part of my past that still causes me pain in some way, but either way the […]

I can attribute most of my personal suffering to what the spiritual teacher Mooji describes as “suffering from ideas”. Now, I could point to certain life events that had very real negative consequences, but what I’m left with years later are ideas and stories stemming from those events. For instance, I’m struggling with a severe […]

Most of us have dealt with people and situations that sent our heads spinning with ideas of blame, judgment, and anger. In all these cases though, whether it’s a family issue or a conflict at the workplace, the story we write in our heads is always incomplete. This doesn’t mean that anybody should ignore or endure harassment […]

It’s amazing how so many of us live our lives with our minds constantly distracted from what’s actually here right now. We form many deep-seated judgments and beliefs based on experiences that are, in truth, heavily distorted by our distracted and disconnected way of being. We often have a difficult time being fully present with others, […]

Thoughts and emotions, pleasurable and painful experiences, all these are transient things. We cling to them, or feel trapped by them, because we do not understand that it is in their very nature to fade into non-existence, to rise and then fall. Behind all that comes and goes, though, is something subtle and sublime that always remains […]